Category: Descriptions


Loving the Mundane

He likes the smell of books. He refuses to digitise his reading. He plays the same video games that were once trending but have now slowly lost their popularity. He is in touch with … Read more


Home Coming…

  Nothing forms poetry as well as the rains do. Poets and writers have written infinite verses and pieces on rain. So many that no one can claim to have read them all. Since … Read more


Love will rise to power!

Poets are funny. Their metaphors and personifications irrational. They go beyond facts, beyond logic, beyond the laws of nature. Yet, poetry is a celebrated form of art. Poets are revered, maybe even understood. Why?


The Heart and The Mind

You are sitting in front of your TV set changing channels monotonously. Just then an interesting conversation catches your eye. Apparently, the character’s mind and heart have decided to take human forms; have stepped … Read more


Books—My Best Friends

Sounds like a cliché school time topic to choose, isn’t it? We have all written an essay on ‘Books are my best friends’ when we were in school irrespective of its truthfulness. We all … Read more


The Realist And The Dreamer

Classification is one of the easiest ways to understand anything that exists in this universe. Even the objects of universe have been classified into stars, planets, comets and asteroids. Scientists have spent years classifying … Read more